Monday, September 16, 2013


People are really hard to photograph. Really, really hard because they move. 
I didn't have a lot of opportunities to photograph people so I am sure that I did what everyone else did this weekend. I went to Chilifest in Huntington to try to take some pictures. 

I was not happy with my pictures and I wish that I would have had a bit more time but it is what it is and here are my photographs for this week. 

I have no idea who this guy is. He was walking in front of me. We were both waiting for the light to change.

This is my feeble attempt to take a picture while riding in the car. 
Mistake #1: You can see my foot. Dumb because you should never photograph your foot unless you have a pedicure. 
Mistake #2: I am reflected in the mirror. 
Mistake #3: People walking are out of focus. 

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