Monday, September 30, 2013


Here are some pictures that I have taken that I like but do not really fit with a weekly prompt. 

I have walked past this bench numerous times in my neighborhood and have never noticed that it was donated by a class from 1900. Interesting discover when you look at things from a different perspective. 
f 3.5, 1/40 sec/ISO 800

f 4.5/1/80 sec/ISO 800

Hands and Feet 
f 5.6/1.6 sec/ISO 400

Same Settings with Blue Contrast Filter in Light Room

This mail slot was is located on a house that is for sale in my neighborhood. 

f 5.6/1.320 sec/ISO 3200

Sunday, September 29, 2013


After reviewing my pictures for the prompt this week, I realize just how difficult it is to take pictures of people. However, I do like that fact that behind each picture lies a story. 
The occupation that I chose to focus on was a secondary job. I was able to take pictures of local musicians at a recording studio. 

Monday, September 16, 2013


People are really hard to photograph. Really, really hard because they move. 
I didn't have a lot of opportunities to photograph people so I am sure that I did what everyone else did this weekend. I went to Chilifest in Huntington to try to take some pictures. 

I was not happy with my pictures and I wish that I would have had a bit more time but it is what it is and here are my photographs for this week. 

I have no idea who this guy is. He was walking in front of me. We were both waiting for the light to change.

This is my feeble attempt to take a picture while riding in the car. 
Mistake #1: You can see my foot. Dumb because you should never photograph your foot unless you have a pedicure. 
Mistake #2: I am reflected in the mirror. 
Mistake #3: People walking are out of focus. 

Friday, September 6, 2013


The photography prompt for this week is structure. I walked around Huntington and thankfully made it back in one piece. 

Ugly structures taken in the alley behind Huntington Prime.  
1/99 shutter, F4, 25 mm, exposure 1/100 second, ISO 100

Shutter 1/83, F/5.6, 49 mm, exposure 1/80 seconds, ISO 160

Shutter 1/128, F/4.5, Exposure 1/125 second, ISO 100

 This structure was taken on the end of my street which is Merrill Ave. The building in the background is the Emogine Doline Hospice House of Huntington. 
shutter 1/66 second, F5, 35 mm, exposure 1/160, ISO 100

The spotted this spider on one of my many walks around my neighborhood. I named it Charlie because I name everything. Charlie was a bit camera shy at first, but after I visited him all last week trying to get a great picture he eventually started warming up to me. The lighting is not great in the following pictures because it was very hazy/cloudy outside. However, if you look closely, you should be able to see the structure of his web. 

Shutter 1/128, 55 mm, F/5.6, Exposure 1/125 second, ISO 3200

Shutter 1/64, F/5.6, Exposure 1/60 second, ISO 3200

Shutter 1/166, 55 mm, F/5.6, Exposure 1/160, ISO 3200

Look, he's even smiling for this one!