Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week 1

These pictures are a bit different for me. I live in Huntington so I do not get to see much rural action. However, this weekend my husband and I visited his cousins in Lawrence County, Kentucky. They live on a huge farm with cows and horses and tons of other critters. This type of lifestyle seems to foreign to me now because I am so used to living in the city. 

I was super excited to take some pictures because #1: it was a beautiful day and #2 I though that this trip would be an awesome opportunity to get some cool pictures to show in class. Needless to say, I was super excited. I made sure my battery was charged, I had all of my lenses, etc. Actually, I made sure that I had everything to take pictures with my camera...except my memory card. Dumb. 

So here I am in the country, in the middle of nowhere, with so many beautiful things to take pictures of and I am officially an idiot because I forgot to bring a card for my camera. Luckily, my father-in-law let me borrow his card and I was able to get some pretty cool pictures.

So I was walking at this farm and discovered a barn and right smack dab in the middle of the barn was sitting an old ragged collie. He didn't seem to mind me taking pictures of him as long as I promised not to move him from his cool spot. I really liked how the dog just sat there in his dirty sort of existence. He had hay hanging off of  him but really didn't seem to care. 

Flowers in a meadow on the farm. 

Bales of Hay 

Practicing using different types of focus points on the log with my camera. 

An old ford tractor that I found in the barn. 

I'm sorry, the next one is extremely gross. I was snooping around in the barn trying to find some cool old things to take pictures of when suddenly I found an old rotting deer head. Yes, it is totally disgusting and if it bothers you I am sorry. It scared the crap out of me because I didn't expect it. 

I included this picture because it is real. It was a real part of my day that actually is quite comical because when I spotted this thing I almost fell over out of fright. 

It is not comical that this poor deer met an unfortunate demise but I need to remember that it is also a part of life and the cycle of life is apparent everywhere...even when we least expect it. 

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