Friday, October 18, 2013

Around Huntington II

I took some more pictures around Huntington. Many of the pictures include trains because it was the weekend of the New River Train Excursion. 

4th Ave in Huntington

Alley in Huntington between 3rd and 4th Ave

My friend Kristen getting angry in the kitchen. 
(She did not pose for this. lol)

Waiting to Cross the Road

Cooking Dinner

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Around Huntington I

Below are pictures that I took walking around Huntington on Sunday. 
Visiting the Tap House in Huntington

Creepy Yard Sale Items
(Hey, I did buy an awesome pair of 1980's roller skates for this lady.)

Alley at Heritage Station

Train at Heritage Station

Cosplay Convention in Huntington

Huntington Detritus

4th Ave in Huntington

Keith Albee

Wrights Clothing Store in Huntington

Tap House in Huntington